As global travel trends and climate conditions evolve, local communities are seeking sustainable revitalization and innovative solutions
to attract the right guests. In response, destinations, organizations and individuals have been crafting and offering unique storytelling-based experiences in rural areas.
Throughout this process, many questions and challenges arise:
- What is experiential tourism?
- What can make it regenerative in practice, and why does this matter?
- How can experiential tourism involve more non-traditional community partners?
- What kinds of innovative Canadian experiences are generating new revenues, attracting different visitors, and exemplifying excellence in hosting, storytelling and a sense of place?
In this webinar, your host and facilitator Celes Davar (Earth Rhythms, Nova Scotia) will answer these questions through:
- A keynote address featuring a short presentation, case studies and insights about experience development.
- A panel discussion with two remarkable award-winning Canadian Experience Hosts, Lourdes Still (Masagana Flower Farm, Manitoba) and David Schonberger (Ottercreek Woodworks, Ontario). They will share their in-market experiences, journeys and lessons learned in developing a new visitor experience.
- Interactive question and answer sessions.